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4 ways how Project Managers boost Azure project success with Turbo360

Lex Hegt

Lex Hegt

Jul 4, 2024

This whitepaper describes how Project Managers can use Turbo360 to help deliver successful Microsoft Azure cloud solutions. Turbo360 tackles common project delivery challenges like budget uncertainties, inefficient cloud usage, and lack of transparency in monitoring and operations. The paper shows how Turbo360 can

  • Control project budgets
  • Automate report generation
  • Provide solution-scoped operations and monitoring

It also explains how Turbo360 can offer end-to-end business transaction insights, improving testing efficiency.

What’s in store for you?

This whitepaper will give you a detailed understanding of the following:

  • Control of Azure solution project budgets
  • Understand Automated report generation
  • Achieve Solution-scoped operations and monitoring
  • Get Business end-user insights during the test phase

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